Education Center Displays!

In the Education Center, we have many opportunities to display the fine work produced by our programs and students! There are magnetic walls in each room and six cases as you enter the center. In our latest installment of student work the glass cases feature the hybrid animals created by the Liberty High School Students in Thinking Through Art:

The first case featuring one hybrid animal and text about the TTA Residency

The first case features one hybrid animal and text about the TTA Residency

The cases not only display the fine works by the students but also also the inspiration from our Himalayan Art collection and the creative process involved in creating Hybrid Animals:

Inspiration from our collection

This case features the creative process that went into the creation of the works- as well as many of the materials used

The Orange Wall in the Common Area of the Education Center is another opportunity to showcase the student work made here in a less permanent way. In our first rotation showcases works from: PS 86 Thinking Through Art, Liberty High School Thinking Through Art, Teen Art Labs, and Yak Packers (early childhood).

The orange wall showcases work made by a variety of programs!

Stay tuned for more exciting Education Center Displays as we look forward to 2012!


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